How to get year-round colour from the best bulbs you can buy

From the shining sun of Spring to the frosty fingers of winter, there’s a bulb that will bring colour to every season. By planning and planting you can get year around colour in your garden, for gorgeous views 24/7.

At B&Q, our range of top-quality bulbs have been carefully selected by expert growers, so only the very best ones make it to store. We're introducing over 340 new varieties of plants this year, because if 2021 needs anything, it’s hope that comes with new leaves and petals.

Here are some of our favourite bulbs, with advice on when to plant them, and when you can watch them flower.

How to plant bulbsHow to plant bulbsHow to plant bulbsHow to plant bulbs

Spring flowering bulbs

Grape hyacinth

The small but mighty Grape Hyacinth makes up for its size with vibrant, bold purple bead shaped petals that stand out from the crowd.

When to plant: August to December

Where to plant: Sunny or partially shaded location with well-draining soil

How to get it growing: Keep the bulbs watered regularly during growing and flowering but reduce the water once the leaves begin to die off naturally. Add some general-purpose fertiliser in February to encourage them to bloom well in summer.

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One of the most well-known symbols of Spring, the Daffodil will never fail to put a smile on your face.

When to plant: September to November

Where to plant: A sunny, open spot with well-drained soil

How to get it growing: Daffodils are really easy to care for, need little attention once they’re settled in. If there are any long, dry spells you can give them a water to help them grow.

How to grow daffodilsHow to grow daffodilsHow to grow daffodilsHow to grow daffodils


This elegant beauty has been a bouquet favourite for years, with their regal charm they’re an essential addition to any garden.

When to plant: October to November

Where to plant: A sunny, open spot with well-drained soil

How to get it growing: You only need to water them if there are any long, dry spells. It’s a good idea to apply compost annually to provide nutrients needed for future blooms.

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Summer flowering bulbs

Lily of the valley

Their fragrant cream flowers are a welcomed woodland touch to any garden, perfect to covering any areas of sparse ground.

When to plant: March to April

Where to plant: Full or partially shaded location with moist, well-draining soil

How to get it growing: Lily of the valley will usually flourish without much interference. It’s a good idea to add some mulch around the base of the plant in Autumn.

How to grow lily of the valleyHow to grow lily of the valleyHow to grow lily of the valleyHow to grow lily of the valley

De caen anemone

These wonderfully coloured flowers are a florist’s dream, and it’s easy to see why. With their bowl-shaped petals and bright colours, they add the perfect layer of vitality to your beds and borders.

When to plant: March to May

Where to plant: Partially shaded location with moist, well-draining soil

How to get it growing: These are generally hardy plants, but you’ll want to cover with a cloche or dry mulch in extreme winter weather. Water them regularly when they’re actively growing.

How to grow De caen anemoneHow to grow De caen anemoneHow to grow De caen anemoneHow to grow De caen anemone


With their long pointy leaves, these flowers are striking and distinctive, giving you a stand-out display.

When to plant: March to April

Where to plant: A sunny, open spot with well-drained soil

How to get it growing: During their flowering season water your Gladioli well and give them a high potassium feed every couple of weeks.

How to grow gladioliHow to grow gladioliHow to grow gladioliHow to grow gladioli

Autumn flowering bulbs

Nerine bowdenii

Nerines are known for their open clusters of petals in red, pinks and whites, and are great for late Autumn colour when your other flowers have faded.

When to plant: March to May

Where to plant: A sunny, sheltered spot with well-drained soil

How to get it growing: Nerines hate disturbance, so once planted try to avoid moving them. Water them well during dry patches and add mulch in early Spring.

How to grow nerinesHow to grow nerinesHow to grow nerinesHow to grow nerines

Cyclamen hederifolium

Featuring dark, silver lined leaves and delicate, dainty blooms, Cyclamen hederifolium give glistening white flowers that softly light up the garden.

When to plant: February to May

Where to plant: Partially shaded location with moist, well-draining soil

How to get it growing: Just an occasional watering in their first Autumn is enough to keep them going, once they’ve had their first flowering season you won’t need to worry.

How to grow cyclamenHow to grow cyclamenHow to grow cyclamenHow to grow cyclamen

Begonia double red

The Begonia double red flourishes with an abundance of rich, red flowers. Their large, multi-layered petals make a bold statement that’ll be the star of the show.

When to plant: March to April

Where to plant: Sunny or partially shaded location with moist, well-draining soil

How to get it growing: Once they’re growing water and feed regularly using a good slow-release fertiliser.

How to grow BegoniasHow to grow BegoniasHow to grow BegoniasHow to grow Begonias

Winter flowering bulbs


Look no further than the snowdrop for a sign that brighter days are on their way, breaking out through the snow and showing us what’s to come.

When to plant: August to December

Where to plant: Partially shaded location with moist, well-draining soil

How to get it growing: These tough plants rarely need much care but giving them a water when the ground dries out will give them the best chance of success. After they’ve flowered you can give them some general-purpose fertiliser, so they’ll grow in strong next year.

How to grow snowdropsHow to grow snowdropsHow to grow snowdropsHow to grow snowdrops


A burst of colour that brings joy to your garden, crocuses are one of the easiest bulbs to grow.

When to plant: August to September

Where to plant: A sunny, open spot with well-drained soil

How to get it growing: Crocuses are generally low-maintenance plants. They like to be watered regularly in the spring and Autumn.

How to grow crocusHow to grow crocusHow to grow crocusHow to grow crocus

Iris reticulata harmony

These royal blue blooms with a beautiful splash of yellow in the centre are perfect for brightening up borders.

When to plant: September to October

Where to plant: A sunny, open spot with well-drained soil

How to get it growing: Water them moderately when they’re flowering, and feed with a general-purpose fertiliser.

How to grow IrisHow to grow IrisHow to grow IrisHow to grow Iris