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How to get humming

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Am I eligible for humm?

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Terms and conditions:

*Minimum spend €80. Subject to credit assessment and approval, standard fees may apply. humm is underwritten by FlexiFi Europe Limited, Company Number: 600124. FlexiFi Europe, trading as humm is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. See for more details.

Representative examples:

  • Total Amount of Credit: €80 over a 2 month term with 0% interest rate. €0 application fee, €0 monthly account fee. APR of 0%. Total Amount Payable: €80.

  • Total Amount of Credit: €500 over 6 month term with 3.99% standard variable interest rate. €10 application fee, €1 monthly account fee. APR of 16.09%. Total Amount Payable: €532.96.

  • Total Amount of Credit: €1,000 over 24 month term with 8.99% standard variable interest rate. €40 application fee, €3.50 monthly account fee. APR of 22.73%. Total Amount Payable: €1,310.80.

  • Total Amount of Credit: €15,000 over 48 month term with 11.99% standard variable interest rate. €40 application fee, €3.50 monthly account fee. APR of 13.36%. Total Amount Payable: €19,169.92.