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Electrical & wiring tools buying guide


Tackling an electrical or wiring job? You'll need the right tools to hand. We've a whole catalogue of specialist tools - from resistance testers and side cutters to wire strippers.

electrical wiring tools buying guideelectrical wiring tools buying guideelectrical wiring tools buying guideelectrical wiring tools buying guide

A brief guide to the kinds of tools you'll need for the most common electrical and wiring jobs. Don't forget, choosing the right tools will help you to complete your job efficiently and safely. Look for those with insulated handles and other safety features to help protect you from accidents.

Continuity, resistance and voltage tester

This three-in-one battery-powered tool can test whether a cable is part of a continuous circuit, measure the resistance of a component or circuit and test for AC and DC voltages.

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Hand lamp or torch

Whenever you have to work without light or power, you will need a good battery-powered torch or lamp.

Shop torches

Long nose pliers

For bending, twisting and positioning cable cores. Available with insulated handles for extra safety.

Shop long nose pliers

Side cutters or snips

The best tool for cutting cables to an exact length.

Shop cutters

Socket template

Useful for installing flush-mounted socket boxes. The hard plastic guide provides an easy-to-use drilling template to hollow out a wall cavity.

Socket tester

A plug-in tester that confirms that a circuit is dead and therefore safe to work on. It also tells you whether or not a socket is wired correctly.

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Voltage tester

Test that a lighting circuit is dead with a voltage meter or tester.

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Wire strippers

Great for removing the insulation from cables and flex cores. Its jaws accommodate most core diameters.

Shop wire strippers

For more help and advice completing electrical tasks around the home, watch our videos below - How to change a plug and fuse and How to change a light switch