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Gardening calendar

Our advice and inspiration will help you plan your gardening jobs for the whole year

With so much to do in your garden each season it’s sometimes difficult to keep up. Our calendar of jobs will help you to keep on top of all those important tasks that’ll really help you to make the most of your garden all year.

Take a look at our full selection of monthly articles in our help and advice pages:

Vegetable garden at a glance

This easy to follow chart will help you plan your produce. Head over to our Grow you own advice pages for guides on how to grow some of our favourites.

Gardening calendarGardening calendarGardening calendarGardening calendar

At a glance advice

February - Sow your veg seeds

Start sowing your vegetable seeds.

March - Spring into action

It’s time to start planting your flowering bulbs for beautiful summery blooms.

April - Grow your own

Time to start planting pot grown fruits, such as strawberries.

May - Bedding plants

It’s flower show season, time to get inspired! Use bedding plants to fill your garden with instant colour.

June - Welcome in wildlife

Build your own nature reserve and create homes to attract hedgehogs, bees and other wildlife.

July - Blooming lovely

It’s flower show season, time to get inspired! Use bedding plants to fill your garden with instant colour. Preen your plants by regularly dead heading and watering well.

August - Enjoy your garden

Keep feeding your soil with fertilisers, green manures and lots of water.

September - Plant spring bulbs

Daffodils and tulips need lots of time to flourish, so plant them now to ensure a lovely spring bloom.

October - Keep your garden chirpy

Attract beautiful birds by adding tasty feeders and comfy houses.

November - Autumn tidy

The summer is officially over, so tidy it away by trimming hedges, mowing the lawn and pruning perennials for the last time.

December - Take root

Harvest root veggies such as leeks, parsnips, cabbages and sprouts, ready for a delicious Christmas dinner.