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Chill out and keep cool inside

Whilst the shining sun can make you feel like you’re in a tropical paradise, sometimes our homes can heat up too. When the temperature soars, we all want to bask in the rays, when we come inside, we need some relief to feel comfortable. There’s nothing worse than tossing and turning through the night, overheating whilst cooking the dinner or melting on the sofa trying to enjoy your evening.

Let us help you keep chilled through the summer with our guide to keeping cool, with advice from our experts. Choose the best products for your space so you can enjoy the sun without the sweat.

Fans at B&QFans at B&QFans at B&QFans at B&Q

Your number 1 fan

Choosing the perfect fan is your first step to controlling your temperature. Sitting in a stream of luxurious fresh air is a wonderful way to keep the heat at bay.

There are a few important features to consider when buying your fan. These include oscillating, so it’ll move the air around your space, speed control, so you can choose how strong you want the airflow to be, and programming, so you have different modes depending on what you’re doing.

You can also choose from different types of fans. Tower fans feature a tall column and pushes the air from the floor upwards, like our 3-speed white model. Pedestal fans, like our Carrao white model, features a round fan head on an adjustable stand. Some even have a new handy storage feature, which means you can fold them down and pop them away when the temperature drops.

Air purifiers B&QAir purifiers B&QAir purifiers B&QAir purifiers B&Q

Keeping it closed

When you wake up on a sunny day, we’re all tempted to throw open the curtains and roll up the blinds to fill the house with that bright glow. But when the heat starts to rise, it’s much better to keep the windows covered, especially on south and west facing walls. This will block direct sunlight from blazing into your home.

As evening approaches and the sun starts to set you can open them again, open up your windows to allow the room to get a good dose of the cool air. A rule of thumb is to open the windows when the outside temperature is lower than the inside temperature.

Cooling at B&QCooling at B&QCooling at B&QCooling at B&Q

Choosing the right covering

All curtains and blinds are designed to keep out the light, but some are more effective when it comes to keeping you chilled. Black out blinds and curtains will do a much better job at blocking the sun. And you can still get gorgeous styles so you don’t need to compromise on looks. We love our Boreas green and white floral blind, which also keeps in the warmth through the winter, so it’s perfect all year around.

Top tip: Dry laundry outdoors

Rather than using a tumble dryer, which will generate heat, line dry your laundry outside. A rotary airer or washing line will get your drying finished in no time at all during warm weather.

Black out blinds at B&QBlack out blinds at B&QBlack out blinds at B&QBlack out blinds at B&Q

Freezer tricks

Your freezer is the key to a few little tricks that’ll keep you refreshed. For a good nights sleep, you can pop your sheets in a plastic bag an into the freezer a few minutes before you plan to go to bed. Tuck yourself in and enjoy the crisp feeling under the covers.

Another low-tech trick is to freeze a bottle of water and take it to bed with you. Or fill a hot water bottle with ice and cold water, wrap it in a towel and keep it near your feet, because cooling your feet lowers the overall temperature of your skin and body. It might not sound glamorous, but you’ll thank us later.

Finally, one of our favourites, create your own air conditioning with just a bowl of ice and a fan. Place your bowl in front of your fan and it’ll send a breeze over the ice, sending chilled water vapour out into your space.

Top tip: Ice cube cooler

Our amazing ice cube cooler works by taking warm air in through the back and filtering it past two ice cold water tanks, this cold air is then pushed through the front grill. Perfect for desks and bedside tables.

Air coolers at B&QAir coolers at B&QAir coolers at B&QAir coolers at B&Q

Prepare for cool comfort

By making some simple changes to your bed ahead of the hot weather you can prepare yourself for snoozing in comfort. Firstly, it’s a good idea to swap out any jersey or synthetic bedding for cotton or linen. Both are known for being porous and breathable, so the hot air won’t get trapped under the sheets with you.

If you like it extra chilled, you could swap out your duvet for a light blanket. Instead of being weighed down, you’ll be free to feel the breeze. Giving up the quilt might be a step too far, so you can choose a low tog one that is specifically designed for summer nights.

Air cooling at B&QAir cooling at B&QAir cooling at B&QAir cooling at B&Q