Collecting your Click + Collect order


Please do not come to the store until we contact you to confirm that your order is ready for collect.


What do I need to bring to collect my order?

  • Please bring a copy of your order confirmation with you – either on your phone or tablet, or a printed copy of the email
  • The payment card that you used to pay for this order or,
  • A current photographic driver’s licence, passport or a PASS accredited proof of age card.

For PayPal orders, you will need a current photographic driver’s licence, passport or a PASS accredited proof of age card.

We cannot release your order without verifying your ID.

Please note, it’s now mandatory to wear a face covering while shopping in Scotland and England. Keeping you and our colleagues safe in store is our priority. Visit our Customer Support page for more information on our social distancing measures.

Can someone collect on my behalf?

We’re happy for someone else to collect your order, but to protect you from fraud, the person you’ve nominated must present a copy of the order confirmation and their photo ID (passport or photo driver’s licence).