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Cat towers

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Cat towers

Cat towers are multi-level structures designed for cats to climb, play, and scratch on. They consist of one or more platforms, perches, and scratching posts that are covered with carpet, sisal rope, or other materials. A cat tower is perfect for exercise, play, scratching, comfort, and relaxation. Cat towers provide a safe and fun way for cats to climb, jump, and play, which can help them stay active and entertained.

Cat towers

Cat towers are multi-level structures designed for cats to climb, play, and scratch on. They consist of one or more platforms, perches, and scratching posts that are covered with carpet, sisal rope, or other materials. A cat tower is perfect for exercise, play, scratching, comfort, and relaxation. Cat towers provide a safe and fun way for cats to climb, jump, and play, which can help them stay active and entertained.

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